MoCo Zoom

Zoom and focus with motion controlled precision


Set keyframes with a tablet or laptop

Keep focus on target with Zoom + Focus motors

Fast or slow operation

Zollies are better with MoCo


2x DitoGear Lens Drive Motors with tablet or laptop

2x eMotimo Fz FIZ Motors with Playstation controller or laptop with Dragonframe

2x Mark Roberts FIZ Lens Control Motors with laptop

2x Mark Roberts FIZ Lens Control Motors with laptop


Expect a prompt response!

Gimbal + Segway

Gimbal + Jib

Modular Rickshaw

Gimbal + Dana Dolly

Curved Dana Dolly

Gimbal + Monorail Slider

Black Arm Dolly

Gimbal + Fischer Dolly

Gimbal + Doorway Dolly

Freefly Tero

Gimbal Control

Non-Stabilized Movement

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