Tero is Fast: 0 - 30 Mph in less than 2 seconds

Tero is Fast: 0 - 30 Mph in less than 2 seconds

Key Features

At home on dirt, road, grass, ice

More shots in less time

Get the camera in places that would be too dangerous for a camera operator

Capture Dynamic Low-Angle Perspectives

Vibration Isolation System


Payload: 15lbs on MoVI Pro Gimbal / 25 lbs total on Tero chassis (can mount accessories to cheeseplate on frame)

Top speed: 30 mph

Minimum speed: 1–2 mph sustained

Fixed Lens height: Approx 16”

Weight: 20 lbs (not including battery)

Wheel Base Diameter: 22.6”

Dimensions: 31 x 18 x 10"

Largest Tested payload

ALEXA Mini (5 lbs)

Fujinon ZK19-90mm T2.9 Cabrio Premier Lens (4.85 lb without Servo)

FIZ: 3 x ARRI cforce Motors

ARRI MMB-2 Mini Matte Box with 2 x 4 x 5.65" Filters

Total Weight: ~13 lbs

Freefly Tero for ADIDAS at the Brooklyn Bridge Park in NYC


Timelapse Car

See All in Methods